NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit Applications
Effective since 1992, all municipalities with a population greater than 100,000 and most industries are required to obtain a permit to discharge stormwater. New US EPA Phase II rules, published in the Federal Register December 8, 1999, require smaller cities and urbanized areas to obtain a stormwater discharge permit by March 10, 2003.
Most states developed a series of General Permits for which industries can apply. For states without NPDES delegated authority, the USEPA has issued the Multi-Sector General Permit. Each General Permit covers an industrial category. For example, in North Carolina NCG030000 covers facilities that engage in metal fabrication or electronics manufacturing, NCG080000 covers vehicle maintenance associated with passenger and motor freight transportation, NCG140000 covers ready-mixed concrete producers. South Carolina DHEC and the California SWRCB have written one General Permit that covers most industries. Colorado DPHE has three General Permits - for mining, heavy industry, and light industry.
Most general permits have similar performance (compliance) requirements. Some of the differences involve discharge monitoring. The application process for General Permits requires the submission of a Notice-of-Intent (NOI) and the applicable state fee. Permit coverage is typically for five (5) years. Let us help with your permit renewal process.
Some industries may elect to submit an individual permit application. This application is typically more complex than the NOI, but it allows the applicant to negotiate permit requirements with the regulatory agency. Large, multi-product facilities may choose this method.
Construction activities disturbing more than one (1) acre of land require a stormwater discharge permit. This permit can be obtained by submitting an NOI to the applicable state agency. A construction permit lasts for the duration of the construction activity.
Municipal permit requirements are defined in 40 CFR 122 for the Phase I cities. The application requirements for Phase II cities will be defined as each state develops its own procedures. Municipal permits will take the form of a stormwater management program written by each MS4 operator and will be approved by the State's regulatory agency. Permits will be specific for each municipality.
Stormwater Services Group can complete NOI applications or individual applications for industries that are seeking permit coverage. An NOI can be completed over the phone and then mailed to you for signatures and forwarding to the appropriate state agency. To request NOI services, complete and submit this data form.
Individual permit applications will involve an inspection of your site with a review of current manufacturing processes. Discharge samples may have to be collected and analyzed. A fee can be determined for completing an individual application after we receive your completed data form.
The new Phase II rules also allow for all industries to apply for Certification of No Exposure. This certification will enable a facility to receive exemption from having to obtain a stormwater discharge permit. To request Certification of No Exposure services, complete and submit this data form.
To receive more information, to request a site visit, or to speak with a stormwater specialist, submit your request here.
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