Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans

The NPDES regulations require that a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan be written for each industrial facility that has been issued a stormwater discharge permit. A typical Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, or SWPPP, is a site-specific document witten for an individual facility. A SWPPP will include the following components:

Facilities with industrial-type activities, but not subject to current NPDES regulations, may desire to develop a stormwater management program to improve the runoff quality from the site or to mitigate quality or quantity-related problems. Most states issue permits to their Departments of Transportation that require a SWPPP for the DOT maintenance yards, equipment depots, and salt storage barns. General Aviation airports and National Guard facilities (e.g., OMS, MATES, RTS) should obtain Permits and develop SWPPPs.

Staff at our firm have written SWPPPs for more than 70 clients representing more than 450 individual facilities in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, California, and other states. We can write a cost-effective, and do-able, plan for your industrial facility.

To receive more information, to request an on-site consultation, or to speak with a stormwater specialist, submit your request here.

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Stormwater Services Group, LLC
8916 Oregon Inlet Ct.
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
Phone: (919) 819-4229
Fax: (919) 661-8108